Mr. Tim Morrison

Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, specializing in Asia-Pacific security, missile defense, nuclear deterrent modernization, and arms control. Mr. Morrison currently serves on the US Strategic Command Strategic Advisory Group; the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Expert Review Committees for the Weapons and Complex Integration Directorate; and the Sandia National Laboratory External Advisory Board for Global Security. Most recently, Mr. Morrison was deputy assistant to the president for national security in the Trump administration. He served as senior director on the National Security Council for European affairs, where he was responsible for coordinating US government policy for 52 countries and three multilateral organizations. Prior to that post, he was senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense, where he coordinated policy on arms control, North Korean and Iranian weapons of mass destruction programs, export controls and technology transfers, and implementation of the Trump administration’s conventional arms transfer policy. For 17 years, Mr. Morrison worked in a variety of roles on Capitol Hill. From 2011 through July 2018, he served on the House Armed Services Committee staff, initially as staff director of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and ultimately as policy director of the committee. As policy director, Morrison led the implementation of Chairman Mac Thornberry’s priorities, including overseeing the implementation of the Trump administration’s National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy, prohibition of Chinese Communist Party-linked information technology and video surveillance technology, and House-passage of the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA) and the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA) as part of the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. From 2007 until 2011, Mr. Morrison was the national security advisor to US Senator Jon Kyl (AZ), the Senate Republican whip, where he assisted in coordinating national security policy and strategy for the Senate Republican Conference and led policy initiatives on nuclear weapons, arms control, export controls, and economic sanctions. Mr. Morrison has a BA in political science and history from the University of Minnesota. He also has a JD from the George Washington University Law School. He was formerly an intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, serving from 2011 to 2021.